StudioWed is excited to introduce Brandi Baldwin, with Deer Creek Valley Ranch!

1. Brandi and WyattHow long have you been with DCVR? I began catering at DCVR in August of 2011, and joined DCVR at Venue Manager in January of 2014.  I’ve worked in some aspect of the event and hospitality industry for 20 years.

2. What is your favorite thing about working in the wedding industry? I really love seeing a happy couple on their day. The look of joy they have right after the ceremony is over and they are married! I am also good at problem solving and logistics, so I love the challenge

3. What is a fun fact about you? I grew up at Lake Powell. I love the mountains of Colorado and this is my home, but I’ll always want to visit the lake. You can travel up lake by boat and find a nice cove to stay in and not see other people for days… Plus the water is warm.

4. If you could invite three people to have dinner with you, who would you pick? Hard to pick just three!  Stevie Nicks, Bobby Flay, so he can help me cook, and Kenny Loggins. I always want to hear what inspires musicians and how they keep creating.

5. What is your dream vacation? All vacations are a dream! But Italy is tops for me.

6. The three items you can’t live without are… My dog, music, and my best friend and boyfriend – Jeff

7. What is your favorite food? GF Pancakes or tacos, it’s a toss-up.

8. Who is your favorite band/musician? I love lots of music, but all-time favorite Stevie Nicks/Fleetwood Mac

9. What was your favorite childhood toy or game? Inside: I loved playing Monopoly with my dad. Outside: waterskiing or wakeboarding on the lake.

10. What language would you like to learn? I am in the process of learning Italian, a beautiful language.