Red Door Photo Booth is now a StudioWed member! Kassi and Eric have introduced themselves and Red Door Photo Booth in 5 fun facts below.

Image 1 (2)1. Our Photo Booths are designed like the classic photo booths of years past. There is still a unique joy to be found in putting your hands on a freshly printed photo strip from the booth and making a memory with a friend or love one.

2. While our booths represent an old fashion feel, they also incorporate plenty of new technology like allowing you to connect and share your photos on Facebook or sending your pictures to your email all while sitting in the booth.

3. Our open air booths provide an option of setting up your own paparazzi or red carpet moment, great for getting larger groups in one photo session. Use a natural back drop or allow us to create something custom just for you.

4. We offer many types of prints. Our favorites are the classic strips, but we can also provide single prints, or a variety of post card style layouts.

5. Our booths print double strips in 7.8 seconds which means more photo sessions, less time waiting in line for pictures, and more FUN!


If you want to schedule a meeting with Red Door Photo Booth, call StudioWed at 303.455.0969 or email us at