One of the many great things about Asheville NC is that you can have your wedding in a ballroom, outside the Biltmore, or on a mountain top. That being said depending on the venue you might need a provider (who is licensed) to provide you with alcohol. Asheville Beverage is where it is at! They can provide you with kegs, local beer, fancy champagne, wine, you name it… They can bring it!
Also, StudioWed Asheville has the source for bar tenders as well! Blue Ridge Event Staffing is a part of StudioWed Asheville, and we love them! They can provide everything from waiters to bar tenders for you Asheville wedding. If you are having that mouton top wedding and a blank canvas to work with, they can supply you with all the staffing that you might need.
Happy planning!

Love a cold Blue Moon Beer!
photo credit :: Asheville Beverage Facebook page :: Venue – Homewood