As a bride nearing the end of her engagement journey, I can tell you that pampering is pretty much at the top of my list of things to look forward to before the big day. Someone painting my nails, waxing my brows and refilling my bubbles while someone else passes me a fresh dipped sweet dessert. Makes you say, “ahhh…” doesn’t it?

Luckily, being the full-service planning concierge that we are, StudioWed has created the perfect package for you and your maids to get your relaxing on just in time for the big day!

Whether as a gift to them, or a fun reason to get together, We Pamper, LyghtHouse Cocktails and Sift! Dessert Boutique have created an ideal scenario that promises, beauty for all your bridesmaid babes!

A PAMPER PARTY! Our signature pamper parties are the perfect way to relax with family and friends, while rejuvenating your mind and body before your big day. We come to you! We transform your space to provide a day of decadence with spa treatments, soothing signature drinks and undeniably delectable desserts. All you have to do is show up and relax! Ready to escape? Schedule your day of indulgence with Tamara Clark at (404) 454-1959 orĀ to plan your pamper party today! For details, please visitĀ