StudioWed’s own Asheville wedding florist, Studio Flora Diva, was recently featured in CeCe Style for this amazing table setup below.  Beth, along with planner Ivy Robinson, created this table scape that to me is absolutely stunning.

Now if you are getting married in Asheville, you may be saying why is this girl showing me a picture of a table at the beach?  Good question.  I was immediately drawn to this photo because it takes risks.  Not many people would have pushed the table up to the ocean.  They would have backed it up and had the ocean as the backdrop, not part of the design.

So my question to you…what are you doing that is different for your wedding?  One of my favorite things to do in planning a wedding is to see a place that we can do something different that has not been done before.  You do not always have to do the “this is how its done” mentality.  If you want something different, just ask!  Granted, some times we need to heed the guidance of a venue because they know there space, and know what works the best logistically.  However, they will let you know if something you want to do will not work for one reason or another.

So go for it!  Be bold and be different.  It is your wedding afterall!