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April 2011 Archive

Royal Wedding Mania

Unless you live under a rock or maybe some remote island with no social media (or ANY media for that matter), you must know that the ROYAL WEDDING IS THIS FRIDAY!

(Processional Map)

Everyone’s going nuts about William & Kate’s nuptials, and rightly so. This is the first big royal wedding since Charles & Diana’s in ’81, and everyone seems to be involved in the hullabaloo.

What can you expect from StudioWed Nashville? For your joy and delight, this week we have a series of blog posts headed your way, ranging from a royal inspiration board to recommendations from StudioWed vendors as to how they’d help plan the royal wedding! Get excited!

Are you planning on staying up (or waking up) for the early-morning airing of their wedding?! Comment below!

Inspiration Shoot by Kristyn Hogan + Cedarwood

Kristyn Hogan and Cedarwood entered Elizabeth Anne Design’ Inspired Creations Contest with this beautiful setup!

Click here to see the rest of this gorgeous burlap-glam inspiration shoot and LEAVE A COMMENT on the page! Generating comments and interest in their entry will help them win!

~ Kelly

Cosmo Creations, Featured on Ashley's Bride Guide

Check out Ashley’s Bride Guide for a featured spotlight on StudioWed DJ, Cosmo Creations!

Cosmo Creations provides the least cheesy, most elegant and professional DJing service you can find!

Here’s a little excerpt from the interview!

What is your service philosophy? We have been best described as “not so over the top” when it comes to DJ’n style. Also, we think looks are very important, that’s why we dress professional and bring professional looking gear! You have to have both; some brides may think they don’t care what kind of gear a DJ brings as long as it sounds good but looking good (and smelling good, not like smoke) is a must!

What are your strengths compared to others in your category? Why should a bride hire you? When choosing wedding entertainment, a disc jockey can usually play a wider variety of music at a more cost effective rate than live music. That being said, Cosmo Creations excels when compared to others disc jockeys in two main categories. #1) We leave our egos at home; the day is about the bride, groom, family, and friends celebrating one of those special moments in life. #2) We look great! Maybe not the most handsome, but we dress professionally and bring the best gear (and best looking gear), this is important and your guest will notice.

Who are your 5 favorite Nashville wedding vendors? It’s hard to pick just 5 of my favorite wedding vendors! But here goes…..

A Delightful Day Event Planning – Mary Alice Sublett knows how to stick to a timeline and she’s one of the sweetest people you will ever meet! She also runs StudioWed Nashville which is a great resource for Middle Tennessee Brides! I also happened to be Mary Alice’s disc jockey at her wedding.

Simply Stunning Events – Kristin Kaplan is the most detailed wedding planner that I’ve had the privilege of working with. I’ve know Kristin and her husband Brian (he’s a great photographer) for several years now and they are both members of StudioWed. Did I mention that I also DJed their wedding?

Kyle Gregory Photography (  – Kyle is a great up-and-coming photographer! He’s very easy to work with and for a young photographer, he takes amazing photos! Cosmo Creations also DJed his wedding, we’re very fortunate to know so many talented and young wedding vendors.

The Country Music Hall of Fame – I’ve known Debbie Parsley for the past six years and she’s great to work with! Out of all the venues in Nashville, The Country Music Hall of Fame is my favorite to DJ. The history, architecture, and fantastic people to work with are just a few reasons why it’s at the top of my list.

Kristyn Hogan lifestyle photographer – Kristyn Hogan takes amazing photos! I met Kristyn through StudioWed and now it seems like we run into her all the time.

See the rest of the spotlight here!

~ Kelly

2011 Wedding Cake Trends

Dresses aren’t the only things that change styles from year to year! Last month Ashley’s Bride Guide interviewed StudioWed Bakery, Crumb de la Crumb, on the most recent trends in the wedding cake realm.

Here are a few excerpts from the original post!

– Vintage is huge.

From patterns to actual cake toppers, antique touches are finding their way all over cake world!  That vintage-y, Anthropologie style infusion that’s hitting the event world big right now is being reflected right down to the dessert.

– Tall tiers!

As a tiered cake lover myself, I’m all about the towering, visually stimulating styles of this trend. Love it.

– Details are where it’s at.

“This year, details and embellishments are taking cakes to another level of gorgeous! More brides and grooms are shying away from simplistic designs and opting for cakes with elaborate styles that give cakes that extra ‘wow’ factor.”  This also leads into the next trend….

– Glam factor.

From Martha Stewart Weddings to Weddings Unveiled, anywhere you look, sparkly brooches, rhinestones, shimmer, and glitter are EVERYWHERE.  Invading everything from your bouquet to your cake, bling reigns supreme.

If you’d like for us to set up an appointment for you to meet with Lorie from Crumb de la Crumb, email us at or call 615-739-5477!

~ Kelly