You only wear your wedding gown once, right? Well not anymore! We’ve been seeing all kinds of photographers lately capturing brides who would like to “trash” their dress after their wedding day festivities are over. Here is a recent couple who decided that they wanted to do just that in downtown Nashville with our very talented Jonathon Campbell. We love the concept of “trashing” your dress with water and in this case, fountains. Enjoy!
Jonathon did such a great job capturing their excitement!
So before you hesitate… just remember our great partners, Oakwood Cleaners! They are able to clean, restore and preserve your wedding gown after you’re through “trashing it” :)
Happy Planning! Stop by for a visit – there’s only 7 days left before we give away the Tiffany Champagne Flutes! Call today to set up your appointment so you can enter to win (739-5477).